Fakultät für Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen

Architekturtheorietage 2.0 // towards a productive theory

This year’s edition of ARCHITEKTURTHEORIETAGE 2.0, hosted by Margitta Buchert and the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape, at Leibniz Universität Hannover, took place on 2-4 November. The event celebrated and offered stage for sharing current practices and experiences in the field of Architectural Theory.

Structured around the three main vehicles, through which Architectural Theory (AT) manifests - books, lectures, and research - the conference shed light on a range of challenges and opportunities. The discourse took up issues such as, the importance of audience choice for books on AT, the possibilities of practice-oriented AT education, and even the kinds of research needed nowadays in the field of AT.

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 20.02.2023

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